- - -I have a long list but here it is..- - -
1]My family - Because they're funny
2]Jansen - Because he says the bestest things i'd love to hear and i love him so much
3]Sarai - Because she is always there for me and is HILARIOUS
4]Amy - Because we have our moments and she's like a sis
5]Breanna - Because she does the stupidest stuff and it's funny
6]Jillian - Because her voice is beautiful when she sings and she is funny
7]Francisco - Because he is so shy that it's kind of funny and his voice is just very funny
9]Brittany - Because we have our weird|funny moments
1O]Christopher - Because whenever he feels something is wrong w\ me he is always there and trying to help
11]Rolando - Because whenever i'm in a bad mood he does something that makes me laugh